Plant of the month 01/2021: Tricoryne anceps

Good rains at the end of December sparked a tiny flowering bonanza amongst the smallest of our local native plants. Due to their size, many remain inconspicuous, even when flowering. Tricoryne anceps (Hemerocallidoideae) is a delightful exception.

Photo: Julia Hazel

Without flowers, Tricoryne anceps is easily overlooked as just another low-growing grass-like plant. Currently (Jan 2021) it is at its best, displaying lots of small golden flowers at the ends of its unusual flattened stems.

Photo: Julia Hazel

Curiously, this attractive plant seems to be unknown in cultivation, possibly due to difficult propagation. If any readers have experience with growing Tricoryne anceps, we would love to hear from you. Our contact details are available here.

Photo: Julia Hazel