Plant of the month 12/2019: Mallotus nesophilus

When its fruits mature, typically during December in our area, Mallotus nesophilus provides an extremely attractive display.

Photo: John Elliott

An inconvenient detail: Mallotus nesophilus has separate male and female trees and these cannot be differentiated until they flower. To ensure future displays of showy fruit, one would need space to plant multiple specimens.

Photo: John Elliott

For more details see our species page.

Plant of the month 11/2019: Cycas media

Cycas media stands out among our fire-tolerant native species, being one of the quickest to refoliate in a scorched area. These cycads can put on new leaves in spectacular fashion after a dry season bushfire, as shown in the image above, taken recently at Clevedon.

The images below, taken in previous years, show the appearance of Cycas media after a few months of rainfall.

Photo: John Elliott

Although slow-growing, Cycas media can be an attractive and hardy garden feature plant. Be aware that all parts of the plant are considered poisonous. For more details see our Cycas media species page.

Photo: John Elliott

Plant of the month 10/2019: Cochlospermum gillivraei

Amidst the dry bush around Townsville at this time of year, the large golden-yellow flowers of Cochlospermum gillivraei stand out on its temporarily bare branches.

This small deciduous trees grows naturally on rocky slopes like Cape Cleveland, Castle Hill and Magnetic Island. It has proved hardy and fast-growing in sunny, well-drained local gardens and revegetation sites.

Photo: John Elliott

After pollination, large green fruit develop, slowly turning brown and eventually splitting to release seeds embedded in a mass of fine fibres, known as ‘kapok’.

Photo: Julia Hazel
Photo: John Elliott

In times past, fibre from our native kapok trees would have been useful for soft padding and for fire-lighting.

A somewhat similar but much larger Central American tree, Ceiba pentandra, provides commercial kapok that was widely used for stuffing mattresses, cushions and even life-jackets until synthetic fibre products became available.

See our species page for more details and an ancient tale about Cochlospermum gillivraei

Plant of the month 9/2019: Darlingia darlingiana

This beautiful upright tree is flowering now, mid-September 2019.

Darlingia darlingiana grows naturally in rainforest over a wide altitudinal range (near sea level to 1,150 m). This species can also thrive in a large garden with well-drained and well-mulched soil.

See our species page for more details about this tree and the history of its botanical name: Darlingia darlingiana.

Monthly meetings and excursions

NPQ Townsville normally meets at 7pm on the second Wednesday of the month, February to November. Please be aware some meetings may be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Our new meeting venue is the Oonoonba Community Hall, Shannon Street, Oonoonba. At each meeting we confirm plans for our next excursion, usually scheduled for the following Sunday.

Visitors interested in native plants are welcome to attend our meetings, subject to current COVID-19 restrictions. If you intend to come, please contact us for information.