The Landcare revegetation area on Castle Hill provided a nice surprise this month (Sept 2021, photo below) when flowers appeared on several small Pavetta australiensis, only 8 months after they were planted as tubestock.

Pavetta australiensis (Rubiaceae) grows as an understory shrub in our drier rain forest areas, monsoon forests and vine thickets. It has attractive glossy foliage (first photo below) and in favourable years it puts on a stunning floral display, typically in late September (second photo below).

Pavetta australiensis has also proven very successful as a garden plant, commonly called Butterfly Bush. It needs good drainage but adapts to full sun or part shade. Its delicately fragrant flowers attract butterflies and the ripe black fruits provide food for native birds.

For botanical details see the database of Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.