Wombat Berry, Orange Vine
Form and Size: A slender, scrambling climber, usually found as a multi stemmed scrambler to 1 or 2 metres
Distribution: North-eastern Ql. to eastern Vic; in rainforests, scrubs and along stream banks
Leaves: Narrow to lance-shaped, stalkless, bright green and shiny, numerous longitudinal veins, 6-10cm x 1-3cm
Flowers: Pink, about 1.5cm diameter, 3 petals, 3 sepals, inner segments fringed; borne in small clusters in the leaf axils
Flowering Period: September to November
Fruit: Bright orange or yellow, globular, 1-2cm diameter, splitting when ripe; seeds black, waxy
Distinguishing Features: May be confused with Geitonoplesium cymosum which has deep red to bluish-black berries and the inner flower segments are not fringed.
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed. A wiry plant which will develop numerous stems if it has nothing to climb over. Excellent in a hanging basket. Very hardy, but does best in dappled shade.