Shirley’s silver Leafed Ironbark
Form and Size: A small tree, 4-7m high, usually with a crooked trunk
Distribution: An area of north Qld. from inland of the Atherton Tablelands to Mt. Coolon; on a wide range of soils
Adult Leaves: Opposite, orbicular or broadly lance-shaped, stalkless, stem-clasping or heart-shaped at the base, bluish,
lateral veins faint, at 45°-60°, 5-9cm x2.5-8cm; new growth silver to blue-grey
Bark: Dark grey to black, rough, deeply fissured
Buds: Egg-shaped to narrow-oval, bluish; base 4-6mm long, 5-6mm wide; cap conical, 3-4mm long, 5-6mm wide
Flowers: Creamy yellow, about 2cm diameter borne in clusters of 3-7, several clusters forming panicles
Flowering Period: March to May
Fruit: Capsules, egg-shaped, bluish, usually ribbed, 7-12mm long, 6-10mm wide; valves enclosed
Distinguishing Features: Distinguished from E. melanophloia by the broader leaves and larger fruits with enclosed valves
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed. A straggly, gaunt tree but one which is very attractive, particularly when several are grown together. The foliage often has a weeping habit. The flowers are attractive to nectar-feeding birds and it is a good honey tree.