Tuckeroo, Beach Tamarind
Form and Size: A small to medium, spreading tree, 5-8m high, with a dense crown and a short trunk
Distribution: Coastal scrubs and dunes between Townsville Qld and Port Hacking, NSW, Top End of NT and WA
Leaves: Pinnate, 10-20cm long; 2-6 pairs of leaflets, leathery, egg-shaped to oblong, rounded tip, dark green, dull, 7-10cm x 3-5cm
Bark: Dark grey, tight, rough
Flowers: Greenish-white, perfumed, 0.4-0.6cm diameter; borne in panicles toward the ends of branches
Flowering Period: March to July
Fruit: Capsule, orange to yellow, leathery, 3-6 lobed, 1-2cm diameter; seeds black with reddish aril
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from fresh seed. A hardy, slow growing tree, with a compact head, making a good small shade tree. Needs good drainage and would be helped by regular watering and fertilizing.