Vicious Lawyer Cane
Form and Size: A tall and vigorous climbing palm, clump forming, with one stem usually dominant. If this is damaged, another will take its place. Almost all parts of the leaves and inflorescences carry spines or hooks. Long whip-like appendages attached to the leaf-sheath (flagella), carrying recurved hooks, assist with climbing
Distribution: Lowland and highland rainforests of north-east Qld
Leaves: 2-3m long, with 30-40 leaflets, widely spaced, green, narrow lance-shaped, scattered spines
Flowers: Greenish, 0.3-0.4cm diameter, borne on long, sparsely branched panicles 2-3m long
Flowering Period: November to March
Fruit: Cream or white, globular with a small nipple, 0.8-1cm diameter
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from fresh seed which should germinate in 3-4 months. Generally only grown by enthusiasts or in display gardens. Fruit are eagerly sought by fruit eating birds.