Form and Size: A small to medium, sparse shrub, 1-3m high
Distribution: Central and northern Qld, northern NT and northern WA; on sandy soils
Leaves: Pinnate, 4-6cm long; 4-6 pairs of leaflets, grey-green, oblong, 2-4cm x 0.2-0.6cm
Flowers: Bright yellow, 1.5-2cm diameter; borne in small clusters in the leaf axils
Flowering Period: October to April and sporadic
Fruit: Pods, curved and semi-circular, golden yellow, depressed between the seeds, margins slightly constricted between the seeds, 7-8cm x 0.7-0.9cm; seeds black, shiny
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from treated seed. A quick growing species for well drained soils in dry areas; it grows quite well in Townsville. Needs regular pruning to maintain a bushy form
The large clusters of golden yellow pods are very colourful and are held on the bush for a long time
Previously known as Cassia costata