Garuga floribunda Buseraceae


Form and Size: A small tree, 8-12m high, with thick branches; deciduous in the dry season

Distribution: Coastal scrubs of north-eastern Qld

Leaves: Pinnate, 10-30cm long, crowded at the ends of branches; 7-8 pairs of opposite leaflets, egg-shaped to lance-shaped, leathery, dark green above, paler beneath, unequal at the base, tip pointed, 4-8cm x 2-4cm

Flowers: Greenish-white, hairy, about 1cm diameter; borne in dense terminal panicles 20-30cm across

Flowering  Period: Throughout the year

Fruit: Egg-shaped, rough, about 2.5cm diameter

Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from fresh seed which needs nicking or soaking to aid germination. Needs well drained soil and a sunny position.