Hardy native plants for Townsville

The plants listed below should be reliable in the Townsville area if they are given supplementary watering for the first dry season. After the ensuing wet season they should then be established sufficiently to survive without further watering, unless severe drought conditions follow.

Atalaya hemiglauca
Bombax ceiba
Buckinghamia celcissima
Callistemon species
Castanospermum australe
Chionanthus ramiflora
Cochlospermum gillivraei
Corymbia erythrophloia
Eucalyptus crebra
Eucalyptus phoenicea
Ganophyllum falcatum
Grevillia parallela
Lagunaria queenslandica
Litsea glutinosa
Lophostemon grandiflorus
Lysiphyllum hookeri
Melaleuca leucadendra
Milletia pinnata
Mimusops elengi
Myoporum montanum
Petalostigma pubescens
Phyllanthus lamprophyllus
Pittosporum ferrugineum