Form and Size: A compact shrub to 1.5m tall
Distribution: Inland areas of Qld.; usually in eucalypt woodlands on infertile sandy soils
Leaves: Stalkless, 3-5 narrow leaflets rising from the twig like fingers of a hand, central leaflet 2.5-9cm long, others less than half the length, 0.3-0.7cm wide, terminating in a spine 2-3mm long, dark green above, paler beneath
Flowers: Yellow, 4-5 petalled; borne on small axillary racemes 2-3cm long
Flowering Period: June to September
Fruit: Pods, 2-2.8cm x 1-1.4cm, flat, slightly hairy, light brown; 1-2 seeds, red-brown with a yellow aril
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed