Forest Red Gum, Blue Gum
Form and Size: A large tree, usually 20-30m high, but to 50m in tall forest areas
Distribution: Eastern Qld., N.S.W. and eastern Vic; in open forests and on alluvial plains
Adult Leaves: Lance-shaped, long drawn-out point, thick, shiny, green, lateral veins at 40°-50°, 10-20cm x 1-2.7cm
Bark: Smooth, white, grey or grey-blue, deciduous in large flakes or sheets, often rough and flaky at the base
Buds: Conical; base hemispherical, 2-3mm long, 4-6mm wide; cap elongated conical, 8-13mm long, 4-6mm wide
Flowers: White, occasionally pink, about 1.5cm diameter; borne in clusters of 5-12
Flowering Period: June to November
Fruit: Capsules, 5-7mm long, 4-8cm wide; valves strongly exserted
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed. An important nectar and pollen producer and the leaves are relished by koalas. The timber is heavy and durable and is used for construction and posts.