Acacia catenulata Mimosaceae


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Form and Size: Small to medium tree with fluted trunk and short horizontal branches.

Distribution: Inland southern and central Qld. as far north as White Mountains; on shallow rocky soils, often in pure stands.

Phyllodes: Narrow, lance-shaped, curved, smooth, leathery, 3.5-9cm x 0.3-0.6cm; numerous longitudinal veins.

Bark: Hard and furrowed.

Flowers: Slender, sparse spikes, 1-3cm long, arising singly from the leaf axils.

Flowering Period: August to October and sporadic.

Fruit: Pods, wrinkled, brittle, 2-8cm x 0.4- 0.6cm; constricted between the seeds; seeds longitudinal in the pod.

Distinctive Features: Closely related to A. aneura, but the difference in growth form, with its short horizontal branches, usually makes recognition fairly easy.

Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from treated seed. Needs well drained soil and full sun.